New national treasure 3 movie
New national treasure 3 movie

new national treasure 3 movie

What did come as a dramatic surprise were the final scenes. It would have also been surprising, too, given the difficulties of securing real-life rape convictions, if it he had been found guilty. It would have been unexpected if a progressively-minded broadcaster like Channel 4 had presented a man like Finchley as an innocent man. In some respects, his guilt and the not guilty verdict was not a surprise.


But as is the way of this nuanced drama, it also felt like a sheen of clever showmanship ably performed by a professional entertainer in a bid to get the jury on side. Some of that acknowledgement felt sincere, in fact. What he did do was use Marie, delivering a heartfelt apology to his wife from the dock. She pleaded with him to be brave and face the truth, but of course he did not, presenting an excellent front to the court and the jurors that of course had little to do with the facts of the matter.


“There are layers of you, aren’t there?” Marie told her husband in the series finale, just before he was due to testify. Her journey from trust of her husband’s word to her absolute belief in his guilt was deftly and sensitively handled by the scriptwriter Jack Thorne and the actress herself. Strangely, the key character in the whole episode, perhaps the whole drama, wasn't in the dock: Marie, Finchley’s wife, superbly played by Julie Walters, emerged as the through line on which this whole drama hinged. There was nowhere to hide for Finchley and the two women. The courtroom scenes were harrowing to watch as the claims and counter claims were presented with unflinching brutality. It was a mesmerising and tense hour of drama that skillfully laid bare the important truths of this compelling story, but leaving just enough grey area and unanswered questions. As he disclosed, Karl knew that if Finchley were brought down, he too would have been destroyed by association. Nor did he speak out when he could in court. He came upon his friend in his trailer while he was committing the offence, his victim's cries and struggles obvious to anyone with a set of ears, and did not intervene. It clearly was rape, and not only that, Finchley’s comedy partner Karl (Tim McInnerny) knew it. And there was also nothing alleged about his attack on Rebecca. And Kate Hardie’s Rebecca Thornton had her claims torn apart after it was revealed she wrote the entertainer a fan letter a year after the alleged rape.īut, while the flashback suggested that 15-year-old Christina appeared to have submitted willingly to Finchley's sexual advances, he seems to be guilty of having sexual relations with a minor in that case. They successfully painted babysitter Christina (Susan Lynch) as a fantasist keen to make money from her story.

New national treasure 3 movie